Wednesday October 16, 2019
Industrial and critical infrastructure networks – such as power generation and distribution, water, oil and
gas, renewable energy, and process manufacturing – are both vital and vulnerable, often plagued with
poor IT infrastructure design. Gradually, constructed over many years, these networks have evolved into
large, complex distributed systems that are vulnerable to cyber-threats and nation-state attacks.
Successful cyber incidents in these sectors not only affect brand reputation, revenue and production, but
can also be fatal, with devastating consequences to the health and safety of human lives. Unfortunately,
most industrial enterprises lack the internal resources and expertise to effectively manage their
cybersecurity efforts by themselves, and most managed security service providers (MSSPs) lack the
tools and technologies to effectively secure and protect operational technology (OT) networks.
Radiflow, a provider of cybersecurity technologies for industrial networks, is aiming to empower MSSPs
with the ability to monitor and protect large and distributed OT networks, and reduce the risks of
business interruption in operational environments.
Security Brief “COVID19-Themed Malware and Cyber-Attacks – Overview & Protection Measures”