Identify what and who is threatening your network and learn where your network stands in terms of risk and potential impact. Radiflow's KNOW capabilities utilize our unique data-driven OT-BAS (Breach & Attack Simulation) solution to determine the network's exposure to risk, given its unique characteristics, device vulnerabilities and mitigation measures, both installed and planned. The resulting assessment reports, presented in clear business terms, provide important decision-making resources for budgeting, risk reduction planning and closing compliance gaps.
IEC-62443 SLA vs SLT Compliance Gaps
Adversary Relevancy, Based on Region & Sector
Breach & Attack Simulation Using Network Digital Image
Per-Zone KRIs for Risk, Threat & Control Levels
Risk Posture Score for Mitigated & Unmitigated Networks
Executive & Audit Risk & Security Reports
Proactive Risk Monitoring: The Key to OT-SOC Efficiency & Cyber Resilience
Why Being a Niche Player Can Be Your Strategic Advantage: The Radiflow Case
Bug or Feature? The “Backdoor” in CONTEC CMS8000 Patient Monitor